Meet Caroline Renee.

Hey there!

My coaching practice centers around helping women clarify and own what they want out of life, then helping them obtain it. A large portion of my clients' aspirations are entrepreneurial, and I use my own armory of experience as a successful entrepreneur and corporate attorney to help them catapult their business goals.

With all of my clients, my coaching is informed by my deep belief in the merits of positive psychology. As an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania, I did research for Martin Seligman (often referred to as the father of positive psychology) on applied positive psychology. I have remained a lifelong student of the field, and integrate these concepts into how I approach all areas of life, both personal and professional.

As a young adult, I worked 80-90 hour weeks practicing law in a large, big city firm. I took no pleasure in the meaningless work I was doing, had no time for family, friends, or a love life, and felt trapped by student debt and lack of any better options. 

I. Was. Utterly. Miserable. I knew with every ounce of my being that I HAD to get out, to find a way to create a life that I genuinely looked forward to living. I began to explore what the universe had to offer, first with baby steps, then skips, then giant leaps, until I was not merely free, but joyful and deeply fulfilled. I got out and experienced the fullness of life, became a serial entrepreneur, gave back to my community through nonprofit work, and was present for my family.

As my nest started to empty and I had time to reflect with deep gratitude on the direction my life had taken, I realized how much I felt called to share what I had learned with others. I spent a year earning my coaching certification from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, then completed the requirements to become an ICF credentialed coach. 

I'm ready to begin my own journey

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